House Study

Fermented vegetable extract (OM-X) is capable to protect against Candida infection in mice

Date 2022/12/15


The fermented vegetable extract OM-X showed the capability to defend against Candida albicans in a mouse model.

Joint research with The University of Lille, France (2014)


We created a mouse model of infection with Candida, a type of fungus that causes intestinal infections, and verified the protective effect of OM-X against Candida.


Candida albicans was orally administered in order to prepare the mouse models with candidiasis. Then, we set a group which was given OM-X continuously before and after the inoculation with Candida (preventive treatment model) and a group which was given OM-X only after the inoculation with Candida (curative treatment model). We confirmed the number of Candida infection and intestinal inflammation scores.


The inoculated group which did not receive OM-X showed an increment of the number of Candida, but the inoculated groups that were administrated with OM-X for both preventive and curative treatments showed a reduction of the number of Candida infections. As a result of examining the inflammatory scores in the intestines, the inoculated group with no administration of OM-X showed high inflammatory scores. On the other hand, both inoculated groups with the administration of OM-X showed significantly low inflammatory scores. These results suggested that the levels of inflammation in the intestines of mice have been improved.


Biobank researches and develops health foods, cosmetic products and other products using only natural ingredients including lactic acid bacteria.

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