House Study

D-amino acids in the fermented vegetable extract (OM-X) are essential for keeping skin beautiful

Date 2022/12/15

The fermented vegetable extract OM-X contains special D-amino acids indispensable for keeping the skin beautiful.


Besides amino acids that form proteins in the body (L-amino acids), D-amino acids are present in nature and in fermented foods. Lately, D-amino acids are being recognized as an essential component for keeping the skin beautiful. The level of D-amino acids naturally declines as a result of aging. We performed an analysis to detect D-amino acids present in the OM-X extract.


The OM-X extract was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. D-amino acids were isolated under special conditions, and their content was determined.


We found that a total of seven kinds of D-amino acids exist in the OM-X extract. Among them, D-proline, D-aspartic acid, D-alanine, and D-leucine were detected in large amounts. According to other studies, intestinal bacteria also synthesize similar types of D-amino acids, suggesting that the fermentation that takes place in the intestines could also be replicated within OM-X.


Biobank researches and develops health foods, cosmetic products and other products using only natural ingredients including lactic acid bacteria.

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