
Fermented vegetable extract (OM-X) prevents deterioration of liver function in mice

Date 2022/12/15

Case:Liver Function

The deterioration of the liver function of the mice incapable of synthesizing vitamin C within their body was prevented by the administration of the fermented vegetable extract OM-X.

Functional Foods in Health and Disease 10, 95-110 (2020)

Metabolomic analysis of SMP30/GNL knockout mice treated with fermented vegetable and fruit extract (OM-X)


The results of a joint study with Prof. Koji Wakame et al. of Hokkaido University of Science were published in Functional Foods in Health and Disease.


We examined the protective effect of OM-X on liver function by using mice incapable of synthesizing vitamin C within their bodies (SMP 30/GNL knockout mice), which are known to have functional liver deterioration.


Antioxidant activity is decreased in the mice that cannot synthesize vitamin C in their body and their liver functions deteriorate. The liver function markers in the blood were measured in the OM-X group. A metabolome analysis for the liver was also performed in order to comprehensively analyze genes related to liver function.


The mice that are incapable to synthesize vitamin C showed a significant increase in transaminases (AST, ALT), which are indicators of the deterioration of liver function. On the other hand, the rise of both levels of AST and ALT were significantly suppressed among the mice administrated with OM-X. Furthermore, metabolomic analysis of the liver demonstrated that OM-X prevents deterioration of biological functions, including the reduction of antioxidant capacity and ATP production in vivo in mice administrated with OM-X.



Last updated 2024/01/23


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